Hurray for Aldo and Vincenzo who bring me sweets from everywhere! This time they brought me from their tour of Wales the famous Welsh Cakes, delicious sweets cooked in butter that were eaten at the speed of light. What to do at that point? Try to make them at home, to have a new idea for a breakfast, a snack or a tea during the winter. Let’s see how to do it, step by step. Not difficult, but delicious!
- 220 g of 00 flour
- 80 g of granulated sugar passed through the mixer
- ½ teaspoon of mixed spices or cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon of baking powder
- 90 g of butter + a little for the pan
- 50 g of raisins or pieces of chocolate and dried fruit (if you like)
- 1 egg
In a bowl combine the flour, sugar, spices, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then, with your fingers, work the butter cut into pieces with the dry ingredients until you obtain a crumbly mixture. Add the egg (lightly beaten with a fork) to the mixture until you get a soft dough. At the end add the previously soaked raisins or pieces of chocolate and the dried fruit.
L’impasto ha la consistenza di una pasta frolla, se risultasse troppo secco aggiungete un goccio di latte. Lasciare riposare in frigorifero per una mezzora.
Su una superficie leggermente infarinata stendete la pasta con uni spessore di mezzo centimetro e ritagliate dei biscotti tondi od ovali di 6/8 centimetri di diametro. Velate con il burro una teglia da crepes o una padella e scaldatela a fuoco medio. Fate cuocere i “dolcetti gallesi” per circa 3 minuti per lato, fino a quando non saranno di un bel colore dorato, croccanti e cotte all’interno. Cospargetele con lo zucchero semolato e… assaggiate!
I have made them in different variations, classic with raisins and with pieces of white chocolate, lemon zest and pine nuts… try them, they are delicious!
ps. you can store them in a tin box for 3-4 days.